Silicosis Lawsuits

Who Can File a Silicosis Lawsuit?

Anyone who has been affected by silicosis through exposure to silica dust can file a silicosis lawsuit. A family member can file suit if the silicosis sufferer has passed away, as can the executor of the family members estate.


How Do I File a Silicosis Lawsuit?

If you want to file a lawsuit, you should contact one of our lawyers for a FREE consultation as soon as possible after being diagnosed with silicosis. This is important because each state has a time limit, called a statute of limitations, restricting how long you have to file your silicosis claim. The time limit varies from state to state. So don’t delay, make the call today.

Our experienced attorneys will be able to advise you about your options, including what type of lawsuit you should file. Your lawyer may be able to advise you about your chances of success and might be able to give you an idea of how much compensation you can reasonably hope to recover.

The more information you can provide your lawyer, the better chance he or she will have of preparing a solid silicosis case for you. 

Why are Silicosis Sufferers Entitled to Compensation?

Regulatory entities such as OSHA have established standards that employers and job sites must follow to prevent silica exposure and worker safety. Silicosis frequently results from the failure to follow these established safeguards and standards.

If an employee or self employed worker proves his employer or the manufacturer caused exposure to silica dust leading to silicosis or death, he/she may be entitled to a cash award to help defray the costs of medical treatment and to make up for lost wages. The worker may also be entitled to punitive damages to punish the employer or manufacturer for their conduct.

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Free Confidential Consultation
Call 1-800-810-1743

If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with silicosis then call us for a Free Confidential Consultation. 

Call 1-800-810-1743 or use the contact form on the right of this page.

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